i had a dream

you two were ripped to pieces by some caarreless folk

wait no go back
go all the way back

I'd like to share a selection of some of the ridiculous dreams I've had with you all. I wanted to put every dream I've ever had here, but I realized that would take too long and also I wouldn't have any cool stories to tell people anymore.

(This page is incomplete! Even when I'm done, I'll add new ones that I remember or have that are good)

Dreams that contain sexual or disturbing content will have a (!) next to their name. Remember going in that the me in my dreams is not the me that exists in real life. He will do things that I would not ever do. If you have any interpretations or take-aways from these dreams, you are welcome to keep it to yourself! Because I don't care. I just love how strange dreams are. They take the conventions of human behavior and destroy them.

Dreams are listed in chronological order. The date shown is that of the morning I woke up from the dream.

The eyes (unknown date and year)

This is probably the oldest dream that I remember. I was in my crib and I was facing this door. The door opened (or was open), and a cluster of big round eyes looked at me. I have no idea if I had this dream while I was actually still sleeping in a crib or not. Maybe I never even had this dream. I dunno.

a scary dream (unknown date and year)

I realized that everyone who I loved was dead except for my mom. Only people who I didn't like were still alive. However, my mom was an evil bizarro version of herself. She hated me, and wanted to kill me. I escaped the house through a plastic alligator slide that was in one of the windows.

Plankton nightmare (unknown date and year)

I was being chased through a house by Plankton from SpongeBob SquarePants. I have no idea why he was pursuing me, or why I was so afraid of him. I remember standing at the base of a stairway, looking at him. He was at the top of the stairs. I pressed myself against the wall, and tried to scream as loud as I could. Only a whisper came out.

Burnt Toast (unknown date, 2019)

I was Burnt Toast, a My Little Pony pony with dark brown hair and a black mane that billowed like smoke. I found a symbol in a book while I was in some kind of underground area. I had an analog version of Google Translate that existed entirely on paper. I discovered that the symbol meant belief. Later, the dream broke out into a musical number, where I was singing to a girl pony who had a mane that was textured à la Chowder with a space pattern. The only part of the song I remember was "...and that means belief. No more..."
I don't remember if this was in the dream or not, but Burnt Toast was singing something on stage to a small crowd. He drinks some slightly pink water from a glass, and collapses, writhing and trying to scream (but failing) before dying. Whether I dreamt that or not, it's what happened.
An artist I follow on Instagram asked her followers to send her their My Little Pony OCs (without saying why) and I thought it would be fun to draw Burnt Toast again and send it to her, and she drew all of the characters people sent her! I was so pleasantly surprised. (Apparently the post got removed for some reason... I only took a screenshot of the part with Burnt Toast in it :( )

My most recent nightmare, I think (unknown date and year, c. 2019?)

I was at the house of a family friend who we would sometimes travel to Maryland to visit. It was dark, and everyone was asleep. I don't remember what led up to this, but I was in the middle of this specific kind of staircase. I can't find an image online of what kind it was, so I'll just draw it for you. There was a ghost girl at the bottom level, and we were in a standoff. I wasn't moving, and she wasn't moving, but we were looking at each other. I decide to run up the stairs to get away, but just as I start to move, the stairs are completely gone, and there's just a flat wall. Regardless, I jump really high, clearing the entire lack of staircase, and successfully escape the ghost girl.

The feast and the birds (October 18, 2020)

I was attending a great feast at a big long table in a huge room. Various desserts were being served. David Paetkau and Michael Cera were also in attendence. I was sitting near one end of the table, which had a microphone. I grabbed the microphone, and shouted "The Ice King!". Once I did this, a wave of ice crashed through one side of the wall and spilled into the room, making everything slide around. I got kicked out of the feast, and end up at a train station. I drink a recall potion to get home. It does not immediately take effect (and never does). I overhear someone at the station say "I can't believe that black people have to wait longer for their recall potion to take effect!"
I decide to just start walking home while I wait for the potion to take effect. On my way home, I come across a shallow pit. It's like a square of stone lower than the surrounding stone that makes a pit. A bunch of birds of sundry natural colors were in the pit. As I walked around, looking at the birds (who were not startled by me), a guy who's around 50 comes up to me and starts giving me tips on how to interact with the birds. They were called "magpies" (they were not magpies).

The mosquitos (December 8, 2020)

I got up from bed, and went to grab the doorknob. A large mosquito (kinda looked like this) was crawling towards the doorknob slowly. Other mosquitos of the same size joined it. I wanted to grab the doorknob, but I didn't want to touch them. I yelled "Hey!" at them, and they all lurched back and paused. I kept yelling "Hey!" until they were all far enough away from the doorknob so that I could open the door.

What's the matter? Turning purple? (October 23, 2021)

I was directing and starring as the bad guy in a movie. The movie is about a dad who kills all of the other dads at a birthday party sleepover (which the dads are staying over for too I guess) with a thick purple poison goop until the final dad has to fight the evil dad. I only wrote down one scene that happens in the film. We're on the deck at my grandparents' house, and one of the dads is in the backyard next to the deck. He starts feeling the effects of the poison. I say, "Oh, what's the matter? Turning purple?" and taunt him as he gags and collapses.

Time-travelling Arabians (November 13, 2021) (!)

I received word that time-travelling Arabians were coming to kill me while I was at school. I end up hiding in a hole in the wall of a hallway. I had a machete, and was killing the Arabians who came into view. They did so like shooting gallery things, leaning into my view and saying some quip or short phrase before dying the second I hit them. I also got some cuts myself. After a while, a random Arabian kid pops out, saying something like "I'm just a child!". Instinctively, I hit him on the top of the head with the machete. It gets stuck in there, and I exit the hole. The kid's mother confronts me and yells at me for hitting her kid (who is lucidly standing there with a machete in his head), and I retort by explaining that a bunch of other people were trying to kill me. Later, I'm walking through school, thinking about what I'm going to do about my injuries. I can't go to the nurse, because I'll have to explain what happened, and they won't believe me if I tell them the truth and I didn't feel like coming up with a lie. To avoid anybody asking me what's wrong, I go to this weird dance class thing where the students, who are much younger than me, are lined up along three wooden bleachers. I'm given a script that I have to read with a little girl. I couldn't recall any of her lines, but my first one was "What's wrong?" and the next one was "Are you alright?". After I say that line, another line I need to read appears in between the first one and the second one. I say that we should try that again from the top and I wake up.

The escape and the racist (August 7, 2022)

I was at a party, held at my grandparents' house. I didn't like anyone at the party, and I knew that later, there was going to be some kind of cult ritual and something bad was going to happen to me, so I decided to escape. I was standing at the front door. Instead of the actual door they have, which is a normal door, this door was a big sliding sheet of corrugated steel. I pulled the door aside, and I ran outside towards a pickup truck to drive away. Some guy was already in there (who dream-me knew) and he started to drive away. I managed to grab onto the pickup and hold onto it. He drove it into the lake behind my uncle's house (which, in the dream, wasn't there), forcing me to get off of the truck. He started walking back to the house, and I began following him because "he got me". As we were walking, he turned to me and said "Y'know, this wouldn'ta happened if you weren't Native American!" and I was like "What?!" (My great-great-grandma was Cherokee). He also mentioned how I was Jewish (I am Jewish by birthright, but I am not practicing and I am not really connected to Jewish culture in any way). I was walking backwards, facing him as he walked forward. Instead of going to the house, we began walking down the road that leads out of the cul-de-sac that my grandparents' house is in. Then, out of nowhere, Jake begins to walk alongside him, and he says to me: "You know what? Your Minecraft skin is, like, one of the most common ones. I see it everywhere, it's unoriginal. And you know what else?" and then I woke up. (I made my Minecraft skin. As far as I'm aware, nobody else uses it)

The capitol tour and the autism test (December 11, 2023)

I walked up to a tall electronic display at a museum. It was a virtual tour of the United States capitol building. By moving my hand, I highlighted an area of the building by turning it red and raising it (my area of influence glowed red, but had a border that turned green like a thermal camera). I touched my pointer and thumb together, like I was using my Oculus Quest, and selected an area where there was a large metal insignia in the floor. A tooltip appeared that read "The Capitol". I teleport to the capitol, and I am standing at "The Capitol". It is a wide circle, and depicts a shield with some text around it. Surrounding "The Capitol" are many marble pillars. Atop each pillar is a winged person holding up a three-dimensional shape. From left to right, the number of faces that the 3d-shape had increased. So on the far left it was a sphere, then next it was a pyramid, then a cube, etc. Each statue had a name. One of them was "The Weather Vane".
In the next part of the dream, I was watching footage from a documentary about a guy who got arrested. Howard Stern was in it, and so was someone named Kha(???) 1,000,000,000. The thing that stood out to me about this documentary, however, was that Snoop Dogg was in it, and he was white. He had flowing straight hair, and he was a judge. I was like "What the hell?! Why did they do that?!"
In the next part of my dream, I'm in a high-school class with a guy who looked like one of my roommates (who I did not go to high school with) but had darker hair. I have my Chromebook out and am screwing around. My roommate lookalike (henceforth "Carl") had his head down and was looking at his phone. A teacher who looked like my high school art teacher came over and asks Carl what he's doing, and he responds "I'm lookin' at guitar stuff." The teacher writes something on a sheet of loose-leaf paper and drops it in a pile, indicating that he now has an F. Later, she puts a piece of paper with my name on it in the pile. I go "What? What did I do?", and she responds "You had the most screen time this class. I think you have autism. Why don't you fill this out?" and she gives me a form to fill out, that would prove that I had autism. I thought that this whole situation was bullshit and I was grumbling to Carl about it.

Russia's new name and the Easter tradition (February 26, 2024)

I was in a strange house that was in the same location as my house but had a different layout. All I remember are short, strange sequences: Me going out to tell my uncle something, who was standing behind the tree outside not doing anything, me telling my mom that I read somewhere that Russia had changed their name to Rusiya (and being interrupted by my alarm clock when she asked me how it was spelled), and me standing outside side-by-side with my dad, my mom, my grandparents, and my uncle, all of us Animal Crossing humans, in order to sing "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" from a third person perspective, as per an Easter tradition.

My grandfather's motorcycle (March 22, 2024)

I was in a large elevator by myself. I got a DM from Care (when I only knew her on Instagram), and she asked me if I thought I was a kind/good person. I started to formulate a response in my head, mulling over what I would say.
In the next part of the dream, I walked on foot from my grandparents' house to an event in the forest where I wanted a job as a performer of some kind. I had to keep dodging speeding cars on this secluded road, and all the cars had the norwegian flag somewhere on them. When I got to the event, a lady was announcing the entrance of a performer who was already there, but instead, I crash through a cork wall with my grandfather's motorcycle and slam into an adjacent wall. Nobody is there except for the lady. She asks me what the hell I'm doing and I tell her and she says "Well you better explain yourself to the cowboy, he's pissed." I look over and there's this angry tall guy who isn't dressed like a cowboy. Later, he and his grandfather help me "fix" my grandfather's motorcycle but really it's FUBAR. One of the main things we do is we place spikes in the motorcycle, affixing loose parts back together. At one point, the cowboy got frustrated threw a handful of spikes into the forest, and his grandfather scolded him for doing that. Another thing we did was get new plastic coverings for the wheels. The wheels were small cylindars of metal covered in a green plastic with treads. We "unrolled" the cylinders, converting them into a rectangular prism of metal, which allowed us to remove the plastic and put a fresh clean one on.