Everything into the Beyond


released 4-10-2024

wait no go back
go all the way back

length: 1h48m11s
average song length: 3:36.366

less important metrics

amount of swear words: 0

At the beginning of 2021, when I was 16, I started listening to The Caretaker's work. In April of 2021, i began a Caretaker-derivative fan project.
I worked on it diligently throughout the spring, but when summer came and it was time for me to do the hard part of recreating Caretaker music (the post-awareness crud), I hit a wall. This was too hard! I decided to change the narrative of my project so that the person experiencing the progression of dementia gets an aneurysm and dies.
I knew this was a cheap cop-out, but I decided to still make myself do one post-awareness track, but I never did. My interest in the project slowly fizzled out, and by 2022 I was barely even making Caretaker fan songs anymore.
I still have some respect for The Caretaker's work (when he's actually mashing up the songs with a potato masher), but I have no respect for "Pour Sombre"'s efforts. I cannot speak on the intentions of The Caretaker himself, but I know that I personally was not treating this real neurodegenerative condition with the courtesy it deserves. I was using it for spectacle.
I had cover art for each stage, but I lost them when I switched to a new laptop.
I'm uploading this album as a goodbye to this somewhat embarrassing phase I went through.


A1 - Our troubles are gone beyond recall (3:25)

samples "It's All Forgotten Now" by Al Bowlly (backed by Ray Noble and his Orchestra)

A2 - Just you and me (2:52)

samples samples "Sing You Sinners" by Smith Ballew

A3 - I'll never forget you (2:41)

samples "Oh, You Crazy Moon" by Russ Morgan and his Orchestra

A4 - Our heaven for two (3:33)

samples "Home" by Layton & Johnstone

A5 - A smoke to calm the mind (2:55)

samples "Something to Remember You By" by Tommy Christian & his Orchestra

A6 - Ignorance is bliss (3:03)

samples "You Try Somebody Else" by Ted Black and his Orchestra

A7 - The fog begins (3:18)

samples "Grand Canyon Suite: On the Trail" by Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra

A8 - Something gone here and there (3:21)

samples "Happy-Go-Lucky You and Broken Hearted Me" by the Casa Loma Orchestra

A9 - Final moments of happiness (3:33)

samples "Sweet and Lovely" by Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians

B1 - The abandoned consciousness (2:52)

samples "The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise" by the Victor Salon Orchestra

B2 - A creeping loneliness (3:30)

samples "Pale Moon" by Fritz Kreisler

B3 - Strangers on the walls (3:30)

samples "Love (Your Spell Is Everywhere)" by Gloria Swanson

B4 - The last of the granted (2:45)

samples "Love Is the Sweetest Thing" by Al Bowlly (backed by Ray Noble and his Orchestra)

B5 - Grey skies never blue (3:24)

samples "Fancy little Nancy." by Wheeler Wadsworth

B6 - Torn white flag in the wind (0:31)

doesn't sample anything (i recorded this one quickly in audacity because i couldn't find B6)

B7 - Timeless becomes timed (4:33)

samples "Indian Love Call" by the Victor Salon Orchestra

B8 - Too tired to fight (5:14)

samples "A broken heart." by the National String Quartet

B9 - A gut-strangling fear of what is to come (4:33)

samples "Drink to me only with thine eyes." by Albert Spalding

C1 - Something here and gone (3:05)

samples "Happy-Go-Lucky You and Broken Hearted Me" by the Jack Hylton Orchestra

C2 - Never I'll get for you (3:13)

samples "Oh, You Crazy Moon" by Russ Morgan and his Orchestra

C3 - Fitful dreams becoming a harrowing reality (1:33)

samples "Lying in the Hay" by Layton & Johnstone

C4 - Strangers becomes timed (3:49)

samples "What Will I Tell My Heart" by Dolly Dawn and her Dawn Patrol

C5 - Feigned lucidity as the madness progresses (3:34)

samples "Heartaches" by Geraldo & his Orchestra

C6 - A creeping troubles (4:35)

samples "It Can't Be Wrong" by Geraldo and his Orchestra

C7 - Infinite tunnels of doleful despair (2:48)

might sample "Ko Maka Palupanu (Soft Eyes)" by the Toots Paka Hawaiian Troupe

C8 - Yearning no more (3:08)

samples "Grand Canyon Suite: On the Trail" by Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra

C9 - Gone beyond recall (4:16)

samples "It's All Forgotten Now" by Al Bowlly (backed by Ray Noble and his Orchestra)

C0 - Final moments (3:37)

samples "Pale Moon" by Fritz Kreisler and "Only a Northern Song" by The Beatles

The Rupture, Pt. 1 (8:06)

samples multiple things, all of which are smashed up beyond recognition

The Rupture, Pt. 2 (8:00)

samples "As once in happier days." by Vladimir Dubinsky

the warm flicker beckons (bonus) (1:12)

samples "Was It a Dream?" by Layton and Johnstone

infinite missing of doleful there (bonus) (1:12)

samples "Caprice viennois." by George Hamilton Green

days long gone (bonus) (3:07)

samples "Happy days." by Elizabeth Spenceer

the song we fell in love to (bonus) (1:31)

samples "Ave Maria" by Marie Rappold and Albert Spalding

too far gone (bonus) (3:07)

samples "What Is Life Without Love? (Que Es La Vida Sin Amor)" by The Columbia Photo Players

and my view leaves my body as the credits roll (bonus) (3:07)

samples "You Better Change Your Ways" by Ted Daffan and his Texans

direct all inquiries to lbhf4u@gmail.com.