released 5-31-2024
I started a challenge on May 31 with Lucas and some other friends to make 1 album every day for a week. Louis Loon is named after a song by Barenaked Ladies.
wait no go back
go all the way back
next album
length: 18m23s
average song length: 2:02.5555555555555555
amount of swear words: 1
longest word: "counselors", "assistance" (The Cryptid of Rococo Lake), "peppermint" (Track 8)
slowest song: "The Cryptid of Rococo Lake" (~77 bpm)
fastest song: "I Love You for Psychological Reasons" (198 bpm)
longest song: "Louis' Theme" (3:03)
shortest song: "Shut Up Bailey" (1:03)
least words: "Shut Up Bailey" (14)
most words: "In My Car" (213)
highest note hit: A4 (Shut Up Bailey)
lowest note hit: B2 (I Love You for Psychological Reasons)
key: d major
tempo: between 104 and 105 bpm
if i wear a belt
my pants won't fall down
and if i charge my phone
my phone won't be dead
if i write a song
i'll sing it aloud
and if i never speak
i will not be killed
i always try my best to keep my hands to myself
i always try my best to keep my hands to myself
so keep your hands off me
if i touch the wall
i ride it with my shoulder
and if i miss my mark
i shrug and walk away
if i write a song
i hide it from my family
and if my wilson dies
then i am all alone
i want to start to try to not be mean to myself
i want to start to try to not be mean to myself
so be nice to me
i want to start to try to not be mean to myself
(i want to start to try to not be mean to myself)
i want to start to try to not be mean to myself
(i want to start to try to not be mean to myself)
so be nice to me, jesse
key: d harmonic minor
tempo: 111 bpm
fun fact: this is charles library
key: a minor
tempo: 112 bpm
fun fact: i only know that Thomas Midgley Jr. exists because he is featured in Wikipedia's list of inventors killed by their own inventions.
uh oh here he comes
thomas midgley jr.
better hide all your
unleaded gasoline
uh oh here he comes
thomas midgley jr.
better show him your
he's comin' for your children
gonna get their little lungs
and damage their brains with
toxic chemicals
uh oh here he comes
thomas midgley jr.
better keep away
from that polio
watch out, thomas!
watch out!
key: g major
tempo: 95 bpm
(shut up!)
i know what i am
i know what i am not
i know what you are but not what you are not
key: f major
tempo: unsteady
fun fact: i was in my car. i was not lying.
(turn the air off)
when i'm in my car
i can sing as loud as i want
in my car
i can sing whatever i want
and in my car
i can sing a song about being my car
i love my car
this was already done
by a british guy in 1979
but that was 45 years ago
there is an orange light
that tells me to "service engine soon"
i told my mom
she told me to check the sticker
so i did and it says
that it expires in august of this year
so tha- when that day comes
i will go get it an oil change
if you do not like
this song that i am singing in my car
about my car
then you can go and shove it
'cause i know when it's finished
you'll go and listen to "tom's diner" by suzanne vega
and you'll go "damn this is straight heat"
but you just like it
because it was a hit
you don't even care about me or my feelings or anything
god, you're so mean to me all the time
just let me be happy
you're always so pedantic and stuck-up or whatever word i was supposed to use there
god, just leave me alone
key: g minor
tempo: between 77 and 78 bpm
fun fact: i was considering releasing these albums under the name Étienne Rococo but decided on Louis Loon later, which i do not regret.
have you heard
there's something in the lake
i've gotten word
it's coming towards the surface
get the kids
it's really really large
yes it is
it's like the size of a city bus
everyone off the ice
we're gonna take a look
step away from the ice
the counselors are coming
holy hell
you see those spikes along its back
call for help
get the army or some... scientists
that's a bad idea
let's just leave it alone for now
when they're here
they'll tell us what to do
step away from the ice
we don't know what that is
everyone off the ice
we're going to call for assistance
everyone off the ice
we don't know what that is
stay away from the ice
we're going to call for help
( hear that? do you hear that?! it's singing along!)
(what the hell is this thing?!)
everyone off the ice
we don't know what that is
stay away from the ice
we're going to call for assistance
everyone off the ice
we don't know what that is
stay away from the ice
we're going to call for help
key: f# major
tempo: unsteady
fun fact: came up with the thing that happens at the end on may 19. i cheated. i am disqualified.
key: a phrygian
tempo: unsteady
jack stauber
jack stauber
i'm gonna give him all my money
all my money whether he wants it or not
and if he doesn't
i'm gonna make sure he gets it anyway
because i love him
he changed my life
without him
who knows how long it would have taken me
to have my creative awakening
(ow! son of a bitch)
jack stauber
i love you
if you're listening to this, don't
when jack stauber dies
i'll be close behind
but i'll still be alive, so
you know
gotta give money to someone
so i'll give it to his next of kin
maybe if he has any children
someone's takin' my money
hopefully him
no money for the government
no money for the president
only money for the guy who made "peppermint"
(that was my song called, um... ...doesn't have a- *ahem* thank you for listening to my song)
everything was recorded at my house, except for "In My Car". i'll give you three guesses to guess where i recorded that.
released 6-1-2024
wait no go back
go all the way back
previous album
next album
length: 15m38s
average song length: 2:14
amount of swear words: 1
longest word: "unresponsive" (Pollard Noster), "specifically" (The Woke Song)
slowest song: "Identikit" (75.5 bpm)
fastest song: "The Woke Song" (131 bpm)
longest song: "Identikit" (3:54)
shortest song: "Pokey Weekend" (1:23)
least words: "We Have a Lot to Do Today" (46)
most words: "The Woke Song" (229)
highest note hit: C#6 (Identikit, falsetto), F#4 (Identikit)
lowest note hit: B2 (Pollard Noster)
key: g# mixolydian, d major (bridge)
tempo: 126 bpm
fun fact: the title refers to a discord message i sent designating every day of the week to a different gumby character after word began to spread of a "gumby monday" watch party. pokey got the whole weekend. also, the thumping beat, as well as the dominant 7th chord, was inspired by "Do You Like Worms"
key: b minor
tempo: between 100 and 101 bpm
(robert pollard, who art in [DAYTON]*, hallowed be thy name. thy kingdom come, thy will be done--)
the fired gun
the race is on
face down on the track
sunburning my back
i'm out
i'm unresponsive
down for the count
already lost it
2 verse 2 chorus
gonna write 50 more like this
it's my grilled cheese
one of my maladies
i'm out
i'm unresponsive
down for the count
already lost it
i said i'm out
i'm unrelost it
down for the count
already lost it
*dude it's supposed to be Dayton that's part of the joke god dammit ben you fool
key: b minor
tempo: unsteady
fun fact: old battery was on my mind
lights on
volume down
i don’t wanna blow my speakers out
white car
black road
film star
the headlining show
is a hit on the radio
white car
black road
film star
gun it
gun it
gun it
gun it
white car
black road
film star
key: f minor
tempo: 131 bpm
my name is louis
the american way
is hooey
i'm gonna teach ya
and teach your kids
the way the world
actually is
can ya deal?
they're gonna find out gay people are real
this ray gun?
oh- that's nothing
please ignore that
it's not important
i'm queer
it's a part of life, it's a fact
i'm queer
it isn't part of an act
i'm queer
i won't say sorry or take back
i'm just queer
that's all you should need to hear
okay, fine
you've found me out
i am evil
here's what this is really about
gay people
like baseball
i'm being paid
by baseball
to make people gay
so they like baseball
that way more government money
goes to baseball
then when baseball gets more popular
(i'm queer)
it's a part of life, it's a fact
i'm queer
it is not a part of an act
i'm queer
i won't say sorry or take back
that i'm queer
that's all you should need to hear
i'm just queer
(specifically i can be placed on what is known as the aromantic and asexual spectrums. they're their own separate things, but i think i'm in both of them. i haven't quite figured it out yet myself, actually)
(alrighty then, let's get that memory erased for ya, huh?)
key: b major
tempo: 86 bpm
fun fact: i ran everything through my korg monotron delay with the feedback knob about halfway turned.
key: a major
tempo: unsteady
fun fact: like the snaps in "Shut Up Bailey", i discovered the weird snapping sound (made by sliding my pick along the pick guard of my guitar until it hit the wood body) while i was playing with the distortion effects in BandLab.
(...vis' aspic dessert gave... 'kay, 'kay...)
philly phil and lackawanna liz
wanna be where the other person is
phil wants to run away from the noise
liz wants to check out the city boys
the kids got it right
the kids got it right
lackawanna liz and philly phil
long to switch with each other still
they know it’s a trade off but it’s where their dad lived
everything was recorded at my house
released 6-2-2024
wait no go back
go all the way back
previous album
next album
length: 18m00s
average song length: 2:15
amount of swear words: 17
longest word: "distraction" (Ordeal (Goes Broke))
slowest song: "Jim Teacher"
fastest song: "I'm All You Can Think About" (148 bpm)
longest song: "New York Post" (2:50)
shortest song: "Unbreakable" (1:56)
least words: "Jim Teacher" (27)
most words: "New York Post" (an amount)
highest note hit: D#4 (Unbreakable)
lowest note hit: D3 (I'm All You Can Think About)
key: f mixolydian
tempo: 109 bpm
key: b major
tempo: 105 bpm
key: f# major
tempo: unsteady
i've hardly done anything
i had a bunch of free time and i spoiled it all
sitting on my thumb
i declare bankruptcy
i'd like to take my things and leave but i can't do that
i've used my blood to sign a contract with myself
with myself
with myself
i had a bunch of ideas and i used them all
i used them all
might have to pull some tricks
if i can't bolster the tracklist by sundown
i've used my blood to sign a contract with myself
with myself
with myself
key: c harmonic minor (gradually lower and lower pitch)
tempo: definitely not 98 bpm
what i would wear as different teachers
jim teacher
good morning, class. i am jim teacher. get ready to move your muscles. it is time to exercise.
key: d harmonic minor
tempo: 148 bpm
key: b minor
tempo: 100 bpm
packing my boxes
i'm packing my boxes
you can't stop me
i'm packing my boxes
i have enough boxes for everything here
when i'm gone, there will be no trace of me left
i'm packing my boxes
and then i'm gone for good
any kind of negotiating tactic you can use on me will fail
you can try guilt, violence, i dunno
i guess bargaining would be the term
it won't work on me
i've set my mind
i'm packing my boxes
and then i'm gone for good
i'm packing my boxes
my boxes are almost all packed
i'm packing my boxes
and then i'm gone for good
key: a major
tempo: unsteady
fun fact: like the snaps in "Shut Up Bailey", i discovered the weird snapping sound (made by sliding my pick along the pick guard of my guitar until it hit the wood body) while i was playing with the distortion effects in BandLab.
wall of eyes
mostly looking at me
i'm dead
this well has been collected
vespene exhausted
i can't make it over two minutes anymore
i can't see or think or talk anymore
i'm gonna need to sleep for 12, 15, 24 hours
what was a distraction is now my greatest ordeal
everything was recorded at my house
released 6-3-2024
wait no go back
go all the way back
previous album
next album
length: 12m08s
average song length: 1:44
amount of swear words: 1
longest word: "communication" (Pet Peeve)
slowest song: "The Starving Artist Chows Down" (87 bpm)
fastest song: "The Shower Song" (195 bpm)
longest song: "An Island of Donald Trumps" (2:38)
shortest song: "The Shower Song" (0:58)
least words: "An Island of Donald Trumps" (70)
most words: "The Shower Song" (136)
highest note hit: B4 (Car Key)
lowest note hit: C#3 (I Spent All Day (And) Doin')
key: e major
tempo: 87 bpm
key: c#, g#, and e major
tempo: varying
all day
i spent
all day and all day
i spent all day
all day and all day i spent
all day and all day
all day
i spent
all day and all day
i spent all day
all day and all day
i spent all day
all day
i spent
all day and all day
all day i spent all day doin'
all day spent i doin' day
spent day
spent day
all i
i i
all day and all day and all day spent spent
spent i doin'
day day
spent day
all i i
spent day
doin' doin' doin'
key: d mixolydian
tempo: ~92.5 bpm
fun fact: i found my car key in the wash and the plastic fob was in pieces. i was able to find all the pieces and put it all back together (but i couldn't find one button. i don't use those buttons anyway)
it's okay
you screwed up
it happens
it's okay
you screwed up
it happens
and it happens
and it happens
and it happens
and it happens
now i've gotta put the pieces back together
put the pieces back together
now i've gotta put the pieces back together
put the pieces back together
you screwed up
it happens
please stop saying that it happens (and it happens)
how much does it need to happen
(and it happens)
(and it happens)
(and it happens)
(and it happens)
(and it happens)
(and it happens)
(and it happens)
(and it happens)
(and it happens)
(and it happens)
(and it happens)
(and it happens)
(and it happens)
(and it happens)
key: a major
tempo: ~103 bpm
i tell people to kill themselves
because it's funny
i tell people to kill themselves
because i don't think that they'll actually do it
i tell people to kill themselves
whenever they get me kind of annoyed
or if it would be funny for me to act like i'm a- actually mad
i tell people to kill themselves
because... just because
i tell people to kill themselves
because it's my method of communication
i tell people to kill themselves
because i'm socially inept
i'm gonna keep telling people to kill themselves
until someone tells me they don't like it
key: g major
tempo: 195 bpm
(are you guys ready to sing the shower song?)
(i know i am!)
(one! two! three! four!)
i haven't showered in a while
it's been at least an entire week
sorry if you think that's nasty
not showering doesn't seem to affect me a lot
i just break out a little
now it's time to
shower shower shower like you really mean it
shower shower shower 'til you clean it clean it
shower shower shower like you really mean it
shower shower shower 'til you clean it clean it
make sure you properly clean everywhere
sing the shower song and don't even care
(just make sure that if you shower with really hot water like i like to do, make sure that you limit how long you're in the shower because that can hurt your skin)
key: f# major
tempo: unsteady
ben's train of thought
may 10th 2024
9:11 PM
"a micronation of thirty donald trumps that live on a little tropical island"
"they live off the land and talk to each other and live in perfect harmony"
"this is an audio prompt, not a visual prompt. listen to the waves lap the shore as multiple donald trumps are speaking at once, talking to each other about coconuts and crabs"
[donald trumps talking]
everything was recorded at my house
released 6-3-2024
wait no go back
go all the way back
previous album
next album
length: 8m37s
average song length: 1:13.857
amount of swear words: 0
longest word: "communication" (Pet Peeve)
slowest song: "Ready to Drive"
fastest song: "Computer" (~153 bpm)
longest song: "Ready to Drive" (1:27)
shortest song: "Hero" (0:40)
least words: "Ready to Drive" (31)
most words: "In My Dream Last Night" (136)
key: a# locrian
tempo: varying
i've got an itch!
i've got an itch!
i've got an itch!
i've got an itch!
i've got an itch!
i've got an itch!
i've got an itch!
i've got an itch!
i've got an itch
i've got an itch
i've got an itch
key: a major
tempo: unsteady
(i cannot turn the air off. it's too hot)
in my dream last night
guess who i saw in it
atop a tall building
it was you up there
you cast a fishing line down
and you said "i'm about to save your life"
so you pulled me up
and not a second later
a torrential wave of water
blasted across the sidewalk
and blew right through where i was standing
i said "how did you know"
and you told me you had a vision in a dream
and i said "still
how did you know it was real"
and you said
"in my dream last night
guess who i saw in it
atop a tall building
it was you up there
you cast a fishing line down
you said 'i'm about to save your life'"
key: f# minor
tempo: ~153 bpm
fun fact: the one that plays at the end is called "orient"
the sa-7 comes with
things called "super accompaniment"
they're like the rhythms that normally come with casio keyboards
but they have some extra notes and things and are more complex
this one is called "computer"
there are no drums i added those
as well as the bass
i consider this one of the worst, dumbest ideas that casio has ever made
(well... there is one super accompaniment that's worse)
(we can just ignore that one)
(no don't-)
key: d major
tempo: ~105 bpm
ready to head into the smoke
playing card in my spokes
if i die i'll know you were right
but i really think that i won't
blasting "too much heaven" as i give it a go
i've gone through the ebb now it's time for the flow
if i die now i die a hero
key: d# major
tempo: 120 bpm
fun fact: i made this in hookpad. in fall of 2023 i became enraptured by hooktheory, and it helped me learn some of what i know about music theory.
key: d major
tempo: unsteady
i'm not ready to drive
i'm not ready to go on the road
i'll need to practice for a little more time
i don't feel like i'll know until i know
everything was recorded at my house, except for "In My Dream Last Night", which was recorded in my car
released 6-3-2024
wait no go back
go all the way back
previous album
next album
length: 13m27s
average song length: 1:55.2857
amount of swear words: 0
longest word: "electronic" (Camera), "vegetables" (Serious)
slowest song: "Where's My Sex?" (84 bpm)
fastest song: "Seth MacFarlane, Look What You Have Wrought" (151 bpm)
longest song: "Camera" (3:06)
shortest song: "That Blue Drink from Chili's" (0:56)
least words: "Wrong Kind of Inspired" (99)
most words: "Where's My Sex?" (220)
key: a# major
tempo: ~142 bpm
i just got the wrong kind of inspired today
i wanna make a movie, i don't wanna sing anything
thinking about angles, shots, and square aspect ratios
i'm not feeling music, i don't wanna make any of those
but i'm not a filmmaker
at least not yet
i gotta go to college and learn
then i'll probably be set
i just got the wrong kind of inspired today
i wanna make a movie, i don't wanna sing anything
drop the keys and get the camcorder out the bag
now i just gotta find an actor light enough to drag
key: c# major
tempo: ~131 bpm
fun fact: the drink is called electric blue blast
key: a major
tempo: ~95 bpm
inside every electronic i own there is a camera
pointing at me
i know there's no way to prove it but they're on
looking at me
behind every mirror i go to there's a camera
looking at me
i do the trick with my finger to check and they see me
doing the trick
in new york city there's a wall of TVs
that has everyone in the world
i know i'm on there and i know when people are looking at me
sometimes i forget, sometimes i don't care
inside every electronic i own there is a camera
pointing at me
i know there's no way to prove it but they're on
looking at me
behind every mirror i go to there's a camera
looking at me
i do the trick with my finger to check and they see me
doing the trick
key: c major
tempo: ~122 bpm
(start from here)
it can’t just be nothing
it has to have substance
there aren’t songs about vegetables
there aren’t songs about muffins and chips
there aren’t songs about drawing
there aren’t songs about water
there aren’t songs about honey
there aren’t songs about a furry coup d’etat
songs have to be serious and about important things
songs can’t be stupid or funny
there aren’t songs about santa claus
there aren’t songs about onions
there aren’t songs about video games
there isn’t an entire album worshipping homer simpson
there aren’t songs about cartoons
there aren’t songs about dancing monsters
there’s only songs about being horny
or about being sad and lonely
songs have to be serious and about important things
songs can’t be stupid or funny
and if they can be that’s not what I want to make
respect my wishes
key: e minor
tempo: 84 bpm
fun fact: i wanted to do a song like "Welcome to the Jungle" or "We Will Rock You", but i used a song that isn't even that popular so it doesn't even work.
(can you actually go ahead and skip this one? thanks)
i do feel like a clown tryna copy the johns
but i can't help it, i wanna get it on
it won't be the same because i don't have any kids
but i have an idea for how to fix this
(where's my sex) i know i'm owed some
(where's my sex) i know i'm loathsome but
(where's my sex) i wanna try it
(where's my sex)
i'm here to claim my one free fuck
the government told me i'd be in luck
that there's a welfare program for aces and grays
where they'd be allowed to have a shag one day
i wanted to see if i could get what i'm due
so i can finally know if i'm green or yellow and blue
right now i'm confused, is it weak libido
or will it just never be a part of my life
(where's my sex) i know i'm owed some
(where's my sex) i know i'm loathsome but
(where's my sex) i wanna try it
(where's my sex) come on
(where's my sex) i know i'm owed some
(where's my sex) i know i'm loathsome but
(where's my sex) (achoo! haha, sorry) i wanna try it
(where's my sex) (dude, what's wrong with you) gimme and i'm gone
key: g minor
tempo: 151 bpm
everything was recorded at my house
released 6-6-2024
wait no go back
go all the way back
previous album
length: 12m39s
average song length: 2:06.5
amount of swear words: 4
longest word: "conventions" (Lucky)
slowest song: "Lucky"
fastest song: "The Facts Enough" (~143 bpm)
longest song: "Lucky" (3:07)
shortest song: "The Finish Line" (0:59)
least words: "Lucky" (76)
most words: "The Facts Enough" (128)
key: e mixolydian
tempo: unsteady
fun fact: i was playing "Sam Snead: The Complete Golf Lesson" on my TV in the background.
the lucky boys and the lucky girls
kissing each other and dancing
the lucky boy in the corner
is looking at his smartphone
i want to be
i want to be
the unlucky boys and the unlucky girls
are on their computers all day
the unlucky ones at conventions
all singing their favorite songs
i want to be
i want to be
i want to be
i want to be
key: g dorian?
tempo: ~143 bpm
people are less inclined to listen
when you’re being passive aggressive
spitting acid at random people and saying
they don’t qualify as a human being
aren’t the facts enough
aren’t the facts enough
aren’t the facts enough
aren’t the facts enough
you don’t have to make up shit about people
or sling insults or call people worthless
just deliver the facts and the figures
if that doesn’t work then they cannot be convinced
aren’t the facts enough
aren’t the facts enough
aren’t the facts enough
aren’t the facts enough
thousands of people are dead
entire cities are leveled
dying words written on walls
smiling idf soldiers
arieh king on twitter
you don’t have to dig deep for shit
just show a fucking picture
instead of being a dick
key: g# minor
tempo: 101 bpm
fun fact: named this song after the time i went to puerto villamil by myself and the sky was filled with dark clouds.
key: d major
tempo: 95 bpm
through all of our groans and all of our cries
let us not forget each other
and never neglect the starriest skies
above all our summer camp nights
o, resica, with dense forestry
and rushing white river below you
remember me there, as i plant a tree
in honor of resica falls
we’ll all bow in honor of old tom the toad
as we think of good gags to do at colors
admire the arrow clock alongside the road
and buy loads of sweets from the trading post
o, resica, with dense forestry
and rushing white river below you
remember me there, as i plant a tree
in honor of resica falls
in honor of resica falls
key: c major
tempo: ~132 bpm
everything was recorded at my house