FAWM.org's 50/90 2023


released 10-1-2023

wait no go back
go all the way back

length: 01h54m22s
average song length: 2:17.22
average song length (without "bye"): 1:59.24
5 bonus tracks

less important metrics

amount of swear words: 29 (including the ramble at the end of "bye", which, by my count, has 18 swears)
longest word: “frankenstein’s” (i want every instrument, 13 letters)
slowest song: "the trolley song" (57 bpm)
fastest song: "about a cheese" (190.5 bpm)
longest song: "bye" (15:00) (runner-up: "the furries", 3:15)
shortest song: "about a cheese" (00:38)
least words: "job" (40)
most words: "i want every instrument" (357)
highest note hit: F5 (bye, falsetto), D5 (the furries)
lowest note hit: A#2 (msg/bibi)
most common key: c major (10)
least common key: c neapolitan major (the koel's favorite song), e phrygian (about a cheese) (i picked these ones specifically because not only are these keys not used again, but these modes are not used again either)
instruments used: keyboards (1 2 3 7 11 13 14 18 19 21 24 28 29 30 32 35 37 41 42 44 48), programming (2 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 18 19 20 22 23 25 26 27 31 32 33 34 36 38 39 40 43 45 46 47 48 49 50), bandlab midi instruments (not programmed) (3 7), guitar (4), monotron (8), dad's drums (17) dad's organ (17), dad's wurlitzer (17), cider jug full of change (21), bedsheets (21)

recorded in july
recorded in august
recorded in september

1. turn your alarm off......................................................(01:19)

key: f major
recorded: 7-05-2023
ben's opinion: it's nice
fun fact: the alarm actually has three low tones and two high.

seeing a friend
i hear it again
when i heard it last i can't remember when
but i know this shit
their alarm just won't quit
two low tones and two high and repeat for a bit

have you left home and let it free to ring all day
or are you dead again with no chance to wake
in any case

turn your alarm off
turn your alarm off
if i can hear it, many others must too
what's wrong with you
turn your alarm off
turn your alarm off
don't you know i've got some writing to do

2. untitled........................................................................(02:49)

key: b major
recorded: 7-06-2023
ben's opinion: i like it
fun fact: i originally wrote something about soldiers marching through snow before i came up with the ufo thing

while i'm witnessing a ship
crawling toward the horizon
my vision lands upon
what seems to be a meteor progressing through the sky
townsfolk accumulate along the rocky shore
pointing and watching
the old astronomer sees through his monocular
what appears to be a brilliant silver disk

3. pyrrhic victory.............................................................(03:13)

key: f# major, a# minor (bridge)
recorded: 7-07-2023
ben's opinion: eh...
fun fact: tuned up to f# because i noticed the chorus kinda sounded like "my angel". also, the drums are the "rock and roll" pattern from the casiotone ct-403

we're not doing good
it was bound to happen like this
not the worst case, but
surely not the best case scenario
at this point we just need a pyrrhic victory
hey, hey, hey

you did your best, we all did
i want you to know that
that you did your best, we all did

you were our focal asset
you were our superweapon
they caught a blind spot
we didn't do enough to keep you safe
at this point all we can hope for
is a pyrrhic victory
hey, hey, hey

you did your best, we all did
i want you to know that
that you did your best, we all did

watching you die
will never leave me
those three loud gunshots
will never leave me
will never leave me
will never leave me
will never leave me

you did your best, we all did
i want you to know that
that you did your best, we all did
you did your best, we all did
i want you to know that
that you did your best, we all did

4. UPlant!........................................................................(01:59)

key: g dorian
recorded: 7-08-2023
ben's opinion: dude it's UPlant! it kicks ass
fun fact: the song was originally named after where i actually go to college but i didn't feel like telling a bunch of 50-year-olds where i went to college so i decided to make up a fictional college and that's where the whole song came from

(UPlant!) i'm goin' to UPlant
(UPlant!) i'm gonna study at UPlant

(UPlant!) Edwin Plant University is a school in West Virginia
(UPlant!) it's kinda near Wheeling, if you know where that is
(UPlant!) two hour drive from Pittsburgh
(UPlant!) they have a really good linguistics program
that's why

(UPlant!) i'm goin' to UPlant
(UPlant!) i'm gonna study at UPlant
(UPlant!) uh huh
(UPlant!) uh huh

(UPlant!) the university was named after Edwin J. Plant
(UPlant!) who discovered the plant
(UPlant!) in the year 1833 A.D.
(UPlant!) everybody else thought plants were just a type of animal that got really shy…
(UPlant!) …around other people and didn’t move until nobody was looking
(UPlant!) the place has got a great alumni system too
(UPlant!) i heard Cenk Uygur went there, actually

(UPlant!) i’m goin' to UPlant
(UPlant!) i’m gonna study at UPlant
(UPlant!) i’m goin' to UPlant

5. ben and kid..................................................................(01:33)

key: c major
recorded: 7-09-2023
ben's opinion: i like it
fun fact: middle 8y bit takes the first couple notes from "don't answer me"

ben and kid
sitting on the floor together
looking at a toy

ben and kid
going to the playground
looking for insects in the mulch

ben and kid
going to the creek together
to find freshwater clams

ben and kid
watch a tv show together
sitting on the couch

how would that be
the kid and me
who is he or she
that kid and me
how would that be
and is there a mommy

ben and kid
writing lots of songs together
singing in the finished basement
having lots of fun

6. the trolley song...........................................................(01:44)

key: c major
recorded: 7-10-2023
ben's opinion: not bad

all good things must come to an end
all good things must come to an end
be it a stone or a memory, everything goes away at some speed
all good things must come to an end

7. burned out...................................................................(02:05)

key: d minor
recorded: 7-11-2023
ben's opinion: bumps
fun fact: i never did the song about love idea, but i did do the name of an event i saw. it's a bonus track
best word: squandering

threw some shit
at the wall
nothing stuck
come nightfall
i've tried love
i've tried fear
i tried the name of an event i saw
(i might finish that one actually)

but yeah
i'm burned out
all outta juice
six songs in
and i'm burned out
all outta juice
squandering the time i've got left

8. unimaginably whoop-ass laser gun.............................(02:22)

key: c# minor
recorded: 7-12-2023
ben's opinion: whoop-ass
fun fact: during the muffled part, i didn't put that C there. the filter in bandlab did that itself.

9. a (real) post on the /x/ board of 4chan........................(02:45)

key: d minor
recorded: 7-13-2023
ben's opinion: meh
fun fact: here's a screenshot of the post

recently i've been plagued with the strangest recurring dream
i wanted to tell y’all about it to see if you know what it means
it has different beginnings, but it always ends the same
big show comes outta nowhere
his song plays and he gives chase

wearing a hood on his head
he always catches up to me
these dreams keep filling me with dread
why is he doing this to me

(oh) when he catches up he rubs something in my hair
(oh) peanut butter fertilizer et cetera he doesn’t seem to care
(oh) so long as it leaves me with my head coated in grime
(oh) it feels like torture cause it happens all the time


i need to stop this but i’m at a loss
i don’t want to hurt him irl so no guns
but i couldn’t possibly overpower him myself
and i’ve got no idea who on earth i could call for help

wearing a hood on his head
he always catches up to me
these dreams keep filling me with dread
why is he doing this to me

(oh) when he catches up he rubs something in my hair
(oh) peanut butter fertilizer et cetera he doesn’t seem to care
(oh) so long as it leaves me with my head covered in grime
(oh) it feels like torture cause it happens all the time

(oh) big show... what gives?!
(oh) i used to be a really big fan of you... what do you have against me?!
(oh) i still love you, i just want you to stop so bad
(oh) i don't even feel safe going to sleep anymore... i just want it to end...

10. sodium arsenate........................................................(01:59)

key: a minor
recorded: 7-16-2023
ben's opinion: nah
fun fact: i couldn't get the kick-ass drum work from "buttercup" by brad out of my head so i decided to emulate it. (i did not choose the title "sodium arsenate" for any specific reason)

11. the furries..................................................................(03:15)

key: g minor
recorded: 7-17-2023
ben's opinion: pretty good
fun fact:

the furries have won
the furries have won

the furries succeeded
in a military coup d'état
the US has fallen into a dictatorship
the furries elected
a leader to rule the land
feathers the fox has come to the stand

in a televised announcement
feathers has the following to say

we are the nation of furries
and we're takin' over town
do not resist
and we'll keep the transition painless
we are the nation of furries
and we're takin' over town
do not resist
we have your best interests in mind

the furries have won
the furries have won

the furries are marching
and they're switchin' up the flag
they made one that's like the US but with a paw in the canton
the furries are marching
they've got the country in a chokehold
emperor feathers in a gaming chair of gold

in a televised announcement
feathers has the following to say

we are the nation of furries
and we're takin' over town
do not resist
and we'll keep the transition painless
we are the nation of furries
and we're takin' over town
do not resist
we have your best interests in mind (that's right)

(personally i don't like the furries that m-- ...*gulp*)

12. kick a revelves..........................................................(02:40)

key: d# major
recorded: 7-21-2023
ben's opinion: bumps
fun fact: doo doo doo doo doo doo doo kick a revelves (this was an attempt at a pollardesque song)

the worms arise
picking on their broken patches
and in the time
it takes to bring a trolley of fruits to the dukes

who wash their hands in the river of youth
and hang up pictures of what they've never seen
never seen

but it's not a part of me anymore
no, it's not a part of me anymore
it's not a part of me anymore
it's not a part of me anymore
no, it's not a part of me anymore
it's not a part of me anymore

my village lies
atop the crooked mountain where the villains hide
and light their matches for christmas eve on the screen

and i am stuck in the space between
where i have been and where i have never seen
never seen

but it's not a part of me anymore
no, it's not a part of me anymore
it's not a part of me anymore
it's not a part of me anymore
no, it's not a part of me anymore
it's not a part of me anymore

13. 2013..........................................................................(02:42)

key: g# major
recorded: 7-19-2023 - 7-23-2023
ben's opinion: fun
fun fact: my first collaboration with my arch nemesis oily bastard! i didn't know how chords worked yet so i wanted to exploit his ability to create competent instrumentals to make a backing track for a song i had come up with (after watching "2010" by justin kuritzkes). i sat over his shoulder trying to communicate that i wanted an I-V-I-IV progression while he put the instrumental together. thinking back to it is somewhat embarrassing.

in the year of 2013
we drove to a gamestop
and we purchased wii fit plus
and we were eager to try it out
and we did
we played it every day
and we got super thin
we got super thin in 2013

in the year of 2014
we drove to the dave and busters
and we purchased a bunch of tokens
and we played at all the machines
and you won
the jackpot of
200,000 tickets
you won the jackpot in 2014

in the year of 2015
we drove to the airport
and we boarded a plane to france
and i was eager to go to the Louvre
but it was closed
because of a bomb threat
so we ate at a restaurant instead
we went to france in 2015

in the year of 2016
i lost my favorite pokémon card
my full art kyurem ex
that i’d had since i was eight
i was super bummed
but then i saw
it was like 7 dollars on amazon
i lost my ex in 2016

in the year of 2018
we drove to the movies
and we saw avengers: endgame
and we thought it was really good
but my stomach
didn’t agree
with the movie theater popcorn
we saw endgame in 2018

14. this room...................................................................(01:18)

key: c major
recorded: 7-23-2023
ben's opinion: nah. the thing at the end is nice though

i’m gonna miss this room a great big deal
it’s got an age-old unmatchable comfy feel
and when i say goodbye to this room it’s gonna hurt for real
when i say goodbye to this room it’s gonna hurt for real

15. ui...............................................................................(01:18)

key: g locrian
recorded: 7-25-2023
ben's opinion: a song in locrian that's good! i feel like it works best when you're not trying to make a song in a certain key

16. i drink YOUR MILKshake!......................................(02:31)

key: d major
recorded: 7-26-2023
ben's opinion: yeah nah
fun fact: this is what this song is a reference to, in case you're unaware

you moron, i played you like a saxophone
i pulled the rug right out from under you (you know why?)
because i’m smart! (‘cause he’s smart)
and you’re dumb! (and you’re dumb)
you should never have crossed me
because i’m wise! ('cause he's wise)
and you’re not! (and you're not)
look where being holy got you, now look at me

let’s say you have a milkshake
and say i’ve got one too
and i pull out my big-ass crazy straw
that goes across the room

and then i drink your milkshake!
i drink it up! (drink it up!)
i drink it up! (drink it up!)
i drink it up! (drink it up!)
i drink your milkshake!
i drink it up! (drink it up!)
i drink it up! (drink it up!)
i drink it all up! (drink it up!)
so don’t THINK you can outsmart me

guess you should’ve read up on how oil works
but knowing how dumb you are you prolly can’t read
because i’m smart! (‘cause he’s smart)
and you’re dumb! (and you’re dumb)
you should never have crossed me
because i’m wise! (‘cause he’s wise)
and you’re not! (no way)
look where being holy got you, now look at me

let’s say you have a milkshake
and say i’ve got one too
and i pull out my big-ass crazy straw
that goes across the room

and then i drink your milkshake!
i drink it up! (drink it up!)
i drink it up! (drink it up!)
i drink it up! (drink it up!)
i drink your milkshake!
i drink it up! (drink it up!)
i drink it up! (drink it up!)
i drink it all up! (drink it up!)
so don’t THINK you can outsmart me
eli, you dumb BASTARD

(that's not fair, i am not a dumb b-- OW!)

17. the boy with the shovel.............................................(01:07)

key: a# major, g# major (end)
recorded: 7-28-2023
ben's opinion: what fun
fun fact: that's me using my dad's drums and organ (and wurlitzer)

all mole crabs
the boy with the shovel is here today
if he picks you up
keep your calm
stay still and wait for him to let you go

all mole crabs
the boy with the shovel is here today
if he picks you up
keep your calm
stay still and wait for him to let you go

all mole crabs
the boy with the shovel is here today
if he picks you up
keep your calm
stay still and wait for him to let you go

(phew, can't even count this one in)

18. i wish i had a cuica...................................................(02:35)

key: d# minor
recorded: 7-30-2023
ben's opinion: love this one

19. ed..............................................................................(01:43)

key: f minor
recorded: 8-01-2023
ben's opinion: i should have done another take on the vocals

my name is ed
and i don’t want to go to bed
it’s past midnight but i’m not tired yet
i’m 27 and live on my own
when i go to sleep is my choice alone

(ed, ed, ed! you get to bed!) no!
(you get to bed this minute!) no!
(ed, ed! you get to bed!) no!
(you get to bed this minute!) shut up!

my name is ed
and i don’t feel like goin’ to bed
i’ll ignore the time, sleep when i’m tired instead
i don’t need to get up early so gimme a break
i’ve already decided to stay awake

(ed, ed, ed! you get to bed!) no!
(you get to bed this minute!) no!
(ed, ed, ed! you get to bed!) no!
(you get to bed this minute!) shut up!

20. flower song...............................................................(02:22)

key: e major
recorded: 8-06-2023
ben's opinion: cute

the windswept zachariah tree
gives a flower to you and one to me
your flower is pink and mine is blue
i like mine, do you like yours too

the man named leopold told us why
the rainbow appears in a sunny sky
when the tears of a pegasus catch the light
they turn into stars and take an arching flight

21. job.............................................................................(01:51)

key: b major
recorded: 8-07-2023
ben's opinion: reading machine version's better

i see a job that looks cool
i apply for the job
i get hired
i have too many jobs

22. about a cheese...........................................................(00:38)

key: e phrygian
recorded: 8-11-2023
ben's opinion: bumps
fun fact: this is the credits theme for two cheeses go shopping. also, i was considering calling it "green cheese" (which i regret not doing) but i decided to call it "about a cheese" instead.

23. cane/bell....................................................................(02:26)

key: g major
recorded: 8-19-2023
ben's opinion: boring
fun fact: this is the last song i recorded before i went to college. all i had was the drums and the vocals, and when i got to college i didn't have any ideas for what to add so i added a dumb synth thing and called it a day.

one step at a time
you are without your cane
make sure that you know
where your foot will land

one tick at a time
you are without a bell
at no one's mercy
you've only got yourself

to rely on
or to blame
either way, the egg is on your face
slip ups
lead to shame
from an objective point of view

24. goodbye, my ct-403..................................................(02:05)

key: c major
recorded: 8-23-2023
ben's opinion: fun
fun fact: this is the last song i wrote before i went to college. i wrote it the night before i left so i didn't have time to turn it into a song but i did have the ending in my head

goodbye my ct-403
you've been kind, so very kind to me
but now it's finally time for us to part ways
thank you for making me happy with your funny sounds for all our days together
oh yeah

goodbye my casiotone
i'm sorry that i have to leave you all alone
but i'll be back again for thanksgiving break
and i'm looking forward to the memories we'll continue to make together
oh yeah
oh yeah

goodbye my ct-403
goodbye my ct-403
goodbye my ct-403
goodbye my ct-403
goodbye my ct-403
goodbye my ct-403
goodbye my ct-403
goodbye my ct-403

25. the koel's favorite song.............................................(02:22)

key: c neapolitan major (c kokilapriya)
recorded: 8-25-2023
ben's opinion: i like it
fun fact: made this while i was trying to find the name for a key i used in a warioware microgame. neapolitan major is similar to the key i used but not quite it.

you're not the one that i was looking for
the elusive one escapes
but i'm happy to be here, sitting in the bush
bumping the ambience


26. i am a filmmaker.......................................................(02:57)

key: a mixolydian (verse), e mixolydian (chorus)
recorded: 8-22-2023 - 8-26-2023
ben's opinion: i mean, nothing's wrong with it...
fun fact: originally wanted to use DECTALK to speak the more free-verse thing that this song came from, with a swelling ambient background. then i remembered who i am and what kind of music i make. i do still think that the lyrics work better without a rhythm, like if they were spoken in an almost dawn chorusy way.

blink the next time
you look at a turning wheel
blink and turn your head
it's night time
the street lights
they're candles on tv
they're a muppet disco ball
i've got an eye

i am a filmmaker
i can see myself
8 feet away
facing myself
i am wes anderson

stop walking
it's too loud here
9 o'clock
check it out
can you make what you see
all level
i'm on a mountain

i am a filmmaker
i can see myself
16 feet away
facing myself
i am wes anderson (i am a filmmaker)
(my mind is a camera)
(i am an expert artist)
(my mind is a camera)
(i am a filmmaker)

27. late night laundry blues............................................(01:26)

key: c mixolydian
recorded: 8-26-2023
ben's opinion: a bit sharp on the ears
fun fact: made the instrumental after looking up common chord progressions on google. not sure how i got I-V-bVII-IV out of that, but i mean, it has I and V and IV in it

bring my green cd
with me to do laundry
chill out here, a loner
while my roommates have people over

i can hardly record these days
even when i do i need a noise gate

switch my clothes to the dryer
enjoy the natural reverb
but a group of friends are watching anchorman right next to me

i can hardly record these days
even when i do i need a noise gate
i need a noise gate

28. i don't get why i wouldn't be allowed to be here…..(00:58)

key: a# minor
recorded: 8-27-2023
ben's opinion: also sharp on the ears
fun fact: went to one of the grassy areas near my dorm to record. i like going other places that are near it now because it's too close to the road. you can hear all the cars real well.

i don’t get why i wouldn’t be allowed to be here
i don’t see anything that says “keep off the grass”
i just wanted a cool place to write and it’s nice outside
there shouldn’t be a problem here

29. to write a song..........................................................(01:17)

key: e major
recorded: 8-28-2023
ben's opinion: lovely
fun fact: we're not gonna take it. no! we ain't gonna take it. we're not gonna take it. anymore. (i did not realize this during recording)

to write a song, inherently, is to steal
and you might not even know who you stole it from
but if you do, try your best
to avoid making it obvious
'cause you might end up lookin' like a hack

to write a song is a beautiful thing to do
you're finding something you can only find in you
a diamond is someone else's rock
that was swallowed up and adopted by the earth
until it transformed

(in the year of 2013 we drove to a gamestop and we purchased wii fit plu-)

30. dr. stauber's wondrous elixir.....................................(01:16)

key: d major
recorded: 8-29-2023
ben's opinion: classic
fun fact: my roommate's friend told me to play something for them on the piano. i played red guitar (without singing). i slipped up towards the end. glancing up, i thought i saw one of the people there taking a video, but i'm not sure if they were. it was horribly embarrassing.

what does it take
i'm ready
i've got a chisel and a hammer in my hand
what do i need
i've gotta know this
i've got some money and a shopping list

eyes locked on the door
it could open at any time
any time
what if they're already here
taking videos of me
i need to know when i need to run away
run away

what should i say
i'm listening

31. golf club road............................................................(01:45)

key: d# major
recorded: 8-30-2023
ben's opinion: love this one
fun fact: i guess there kind of is one, but i'm not going to say it.

32. i want every instrument............................................(02:42)

key: c dorian
recorded: 8-30-2023 - 9-2-2023
ben's opinion: it's somethin' alright
fun fact: i have no idea if i have that sax still. maybe i did. maybe brother will find it in like 4 years and go "what the fuck"

i got a couple o' keyboards, a little guitar
a harmonica, a stylophone, but i still want more
that's right
i want every instrument tonight
yeah, i want at least one of every single instrument tonight

i love my casio keys, they're all so fine
i want every one from at-1 to zt-999
that's right
i want every instrument tonight
yeah, i want at least one of every single instrument tonight
tell 'em, boys

(he wants every instrument, from percussion to woodwinds)
(he wants every instrument, from percussion to woodwinds)
(he wants every instrument, from percussion to woodwinds)

i got my sax from middle school i never returned
i try not to be a consoomer but forever i yearn
for earthly possessions that i can play
and hey, even john lennon had that steinway
that's right
i want every instrument tonight
yeah, i want at least one of every single instrument tonight
(don't get it twisted, now)

i don't think i've
fully illustrated my point
i want literally every instrument that there is, will, or can be

i want a didgeridoo, i want a 12-string guitar
i want a steel drum, a snare drum, a timpani
i want an aztec death whistle, a dolceola
i want a quena, a vibraslap, a gong, a lute
an autoharp, finger cymbals, a bugle, castanets
a marxophone, a hohner pianet, an oboe
a cuica, an ondes martenot, a kalimba, a vibraphone
a crwth, a theremin, a güiro, a bullroarer
a euphonium, a kazoo, a piganino, a les paul, a drawbar organ

a rock with a hole in it that sounds cool if i hit it with a stick
a wood ball that i filled with small grains and sealed shut
two sticks of roughly the same size that i can hit together

hell, i want to make my own instrument
i wanna take everything that i like about every instrument and combine them into an insane frankenstein's monster
i want scientists to shudder in fear as they behold my invention
you've heard of the one man band, this is the one man orchestra
hey, where are you going? come back, wha--

33. just not hungry..........................................................(01:36)

key: f minor
recorded: 9-3-2023 - 9-4-2023
ben's opinion: i like
fun fact: came up with the effect when i was recording the vocals for it. if you hit the snap back to start button on bandlab mobile while the song is playing, it snaps to the start of the song but it keeps playing, so if you keep hitting it, it keeps playing the first second of the song.

dinner time has arrived
actually, it's kind of passed
so what's my deal, am i gonna have a meal
or am i just gonna fast

sorry mom

but i'm just not hungry tonight
i'm full and i feel alright
i'd go out and get something but
there's literally no void in my gut
no, i'm just not hungry tonight
i'm full and i feel alright
i'd go out and get something but
there's literally no void in my gut

(nothin' i can do)
(i'm just not hungry tonight)

34. humiliating bungle....................................................(01:28)

key: f major
recorded: 9-03-2023 - 9-04-2023
ben's opinion: nondescript

35. stupid quilt................................................................(01:14)

key: g major
recorded: 9-06-2023
ben's opinion: sang out of tune, reading machine version better
fun fact: i feel like i don't think about that dream enough. i really had a dream where my mom and my brother were expressionlessly ripping up my green and orange funny friends while i looked on forlornly

i had a dream
you two were ripped to pieces by some careless folk
i'm glad you two are alright but i haven't got a lot of time
the stench of those awful plants outside is fresh in my mind
i've got to go to the right classroom this time

this is what you do
put your things together like a stupid quilt
that's it now you've got it you're a regular johnny song

36. blue in the face..........................................................(02:38)

key: f major
recorded: 8-19-2023 - 9-08-2023
ben's opinion: a nice little tune
fun fact: thought i named this after a song. i actually named it after an a capella group.

blue in the face
blue in the eyes
blue in the teeth
blue in the tongue

blue beneath my fingernails
blue within my skull
blue inside my spinal cord
just blue overall

blue in the hair
blue in the lungs
blue in the liver
blue in the bones

blue beneath my fingernails
blue within my skull
blue inside my spinal cord
just blue overall

my organs are blue
my blood cells are blue
my neurons are blue
my stem cells are blue
my atoms are blue
my protons are blue
my neutrons are blue
(if i had to guess, i'd say the quarks are blue)

blue beneath my fingernails
blue within my skull
blue in both my ventricles
blue within my balls
blue beneath my fingernails
blue within my skull
blue inside my spinal cord
just blue overall

37. i'm a ghost 3..............................................................(03:13)

key: a locrian
recorded: 9-12-2023
ben's opinion: definitely is a song

i’m a ghost
and i live
in the house
up the road
and i scare
realtors out

the realtors
don’t like me
and i feel the same
about them
they keep trying
to kick me out
but they can’t
‘cause i’m better
and i own the house
here’s my lawyer
“he’s correct
his name is on the deed”

38. homer and marge.......................................................(01:03)

key: c major
recorded: 9-15-2023
ben's opinion: homer and marge and lisa and bart and (all jokin' aside i really like this one)
fun fact: this song came to be when i thought one night how funny it would be if there was a really serious emo rock song but the lead vocalist was just saying combinations of simpsons characters. (also, the "abe and mona" part is in a# major and is ripped from little pad)

homer and marge and lisa and bart and
maggie and snowball and santa claus' little helper
abe and mona and patty and selma
(mr. burns!)

39. party tonight..............................................................(01:44)

key: a# major
recorded: 9-15-2023
ben's opinion: it... qualifies as music.
fun fact: i recorded the vocals for this on the path outside the arboretum. why? ...i dunno.

it's night time now, and everyone
has come to the club to have some fun
illegal drugs are being consumed and shared
and nobody cares

move your hands in the general direction of the atmosphere
we're forming a party in here (hooray!)
we're forming a party tonight (hooray!)
we're forming a party tonight

we're so young and adventurous too
our boring lives are done and through
we're finally free to take dangerous doses of ketamine

move your hands in the general direction of the atmosphere
we're forming a party in here (hooray!)
we're forming a party tonight (hooray!)
we're forming a party tonight

(hey, wait a minute, this isn't the club! i guess i got even more wasted last night than i thought i did)
(where the fuck am i? hello?)

40. cherries / injured.......................................................(03:02)

key: g# major (cherries), c major (injured)
recorded: 9-17-2023
ben's opinion: it's arright (cherries), no. (injured)
fun fact: the first line of cherries is ripped from the future's so bright (i gotta wear shades). every event described happened to me. injured was made really quick. 5 minutes or less for my money

i've got a crazy teacher he's sick in the head
keep the clear glasses gimme pink ones instead
gonna fill up a scrapbook with cherries i picked
toss out all the lame and just keep the cool shit

went on a square once, couldn't even ski
i started crying, it was just like a movie
had to get my stuff off the ramp for tricks
my knuckles started bleeding, it was fuckin' sick

i guess
i'm disturbed
with what i like
but others do it too
i'm sure
i'm sure


fell awkward 'gainst the side of the pool
got gauze around my abdomen, it looked really cool
maybe it's the care that you receive when you're hurt
maybe somethin' else, i can't say for sure, but

i guess
i'm disturbed
with what i like
but others do it too
i'm sure
i'm sure


i'm injured
won'tcha pick me up
won'tcha give me a smooch
i'm injured
i need a cute nurse
to make me feel all better, feel all better again, oh yeah
to make me feel all better, feel all better again

i'm injured
won'tcha pick me up
won'tcha give me a hug
i'm injured
won't you hold me in your arms and tell me everything will be okay

41. game night with evelyn.............................................(02:03)

key: f# major
recorded: 9-18-2023
ben's opinion: i like how the synth sounds in this version. i put my phone in the middle of the keyboard instead of against a speaker.

she’s just tryin’ to look out for you
she doesn’t want you to be alone
and you don’t either, you know
unless you’re mistaken

you’ve got to go attend
game night with evelyn
your future friends will be there
who you’ll still talk to when you’re 48
when you’re…

there are people here for you
you might know their name
your mother’s just lookin’ out for you
shouldn’t you do the same

you’ve got to go attend
game night with evelyn
your future friends will be there
who you’ll still talk to when you’re 48
when you're... when... you're...

42. the big loser suite (the deadline snuck up on me).....(01:59)

key: c major
recorded: 9-22-2023
ben's opinion: what's there to say?

(movement i)
how many days do i have left...
how many songs do i have left?!
aw, shit!

i really forgot
uh, you gotta believe me
you gotta believe me
i- the deadline snuck up on me
i was doing a lot of homework
because i didn't do it in time
uh, oh shit

(movement ii)
i don't like it when the deadline sneaks up on me
because then i have to run around and do things quickly
no, i need it to be past a minute

(movement iii)
yesterday i had some velveeta mac-'n'-
er, it wasn't mac-'n'-cheese
velveeta chicken alfredo
it wasn't very good
i didn't like it
it wasn't tasty
i didn't- uh, it just wasn't great
oh yeah, my piano has been peaking
a lot
i think the batteries are crapping out or the speakers or something
i think it's the speaker 'cause i tried putting fresh batteries in and it doesn't do anything
thank you for listening
i know this was pretty shit
but um i had to get all of them 'cause if i don't then i fail

43. green truck................................................................(02:15)

key: g minor
recorded: 9-17-2023 - 9-22-2023
ben's opinion: kinda bumps
fun fact: i tasked myself with making this song while i was on freerice.org. the questions can sometimes be easy to a comical degree. in one example, i was asked what vehicle the beatles sang about on "revolver". the choices were: yellow submarine, pink helicopter, green truck, and blue blimp. everyone in the call agreed to make a song about each of the other options. henry got pink helicopter, mel got blue blimp, and i got green truck.

i am the pilot of a green truck
it is a very awesome green truck
when everybody sees my green truck
they get jealous that i'm driving not them

and when you see my green truck
you will concede it's an esteemed truck
and maybe if i really like you
i might let you take a peek inside

custom upholstery
cutting edge technology
my chariot of forest green goes everywhere with me

i am the pilot of a green truck (green truck)
it is a very awesome green truck (green truck)
when everybody sees my green truck (green truck)
they get jealous that i'm driving not them (green truck)

44. the skaters.................................................................(01:29)

key: d major
recorded: 9-23-2023
ben's opinion: quaint ditty
fun fact: i wrote this after i was walking home after sundown and saw a bunch of skaters

when the sun goes down
the skaters come out
when the sun goes down
the skaters come out
when the sun goes down
the skaters come out
the skaters come out
to play

45. msg/bibi....................................................................(02:10)

key: f major
recorded: 9-25-2023
ben's opinion: love this one
fun fact: the ringing is modeled after my alarm clock's ring (called "bibi" on the switch between it and a recorded message)

the weeks have days
the days have hours
i have my hands
my hands have fingers
a problem has parts
and some solutions
solutions have parts
and parts have parts

this world is too complex
this makes it good and bad
the fact that there's no just good is good and it's also bad
this world is too complex
this makes it good and bad
the fact that there's no just good is good and it's also bad ('cause it makes me sad)

46. undie.........................................................................(01:21)

key: f harmonic minor
recorded: 9-26-2023
ben's opinion: what's there to say?
fun fact: a fawm user liked this song so much that he made a cover of it, making this song my first song to be covered.

i faked my death
i'm at my funeral
nobody showed up
this is FUCKED UP
how do i undie
what is the plan from here
i wasn't expecting that
where's my mom
where's my sister
where's joaquin and the boys
we were tight, man

(can't believe this)
(no one showed up!)
(wait a minute)

don't people work here
this is a church

47. i had a scary dream...................................................(01:15)

key: switches between major and minor modes of c#, d#, and f
recorded: 9-27-2023
ben's opinion: i like it

when i was seven
i had a scary dream
everyone i loved was dead
only my mother was alive
but she was evil and hated me
she wanted to kill me
i escaped and woke up
my real mom loves me
why did i have such a nasty dream
i don't know but i never had it again

48. mike and ikes............................................................(01:18)

key: c# major
recorded: 9-28-2023
ben's opinion: bumps

49. atlas (when i grow up)..............................................(02:27)

key: c minor
recorded: 9-29-2023
ben's opinion: reading machine version's better

(this song is called atlas! by rex)

when i grow up
my name will be ben
i'll have brown hair, blue eyes, and white skin

(i just put my special effect-- i put my effects on mirror, so like this)

when i grow up
i'll have an iphone 4
i'll be able to do so much more

(silent movie)

when i grow up
i'll always be loved
maybe not by someone else but by my younger self

(one, two, three, four)

50. bye............................................................................(15:00)

key: f major
recorded: 9-29-2023
ben's opinion: i actually do like this one. the whole thing.
fun fact: i had no plans for what to talk about in the ramble. i clicked on oily bastard's last song on soundcloud to see how long it was so that i knew what time to beat, and i decided what i should ramble about when i realized i was signed in as CleaverFace.

the fiftieth one, that means it’s nigh
to high time that i’ve said goodbye
to this really neat challenge that i liked
so, i’m gonna take a hike

but one thing before i do
just wanted to give a little thank you
to all the zany people on fawm
who left comments from viewpoints that i couldn’t have gotten anywhere else

actually there’s another thing
i wanted to end on a really grand note
so this is ben, over ‘n’ out
and now for a super cool wall of sound

(woah ye-he-heaaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooo)

yeah, sorry, but i really don't want to transcribe the ramble right now. it's too much, even for me...

51. practice song (bonus)...............................................(01:22)
52. rock the ice (bonus)..................................................(01:41)
53. the woke didn't work on me (bonus)........................(01:37)
54. jesse pinkman is not blond (bonus)..........................(01:11)
55. what if you die (bonus)............................................(00:48)

all songs before "goodbye, my ct-403" were recorded at my house (aside from every song between "this room" and "ed"). all songs afterwards were recorded at my dorm.
"practice song" and "rock the ice" were recorded at my house, "the woke didn't work on me" and "jesse pinkman is not blond" were recorded at my dorm, and "what if you die" was recorded in a super 8 hotel room.